A very warm welcome to “The Singaporean Investor”. My name’s Jun Yuan (you can call me JY for short), and I am the owner of this site.

First and foremost, a brief introduction about myself. I have been investing and trading in the Singapore stock market on a full-time basis since April 2017. Prior to that, I was a full-time Internet Entrepreneur for close to a decade.

So, what triggered my switch of career from being an Internet Entrepreneur to being a full-time retail investor and trader? To answer the question briefly, after so many years in the Internet Marketing industry, I felt the need for a new challenge. My father’s passing in October 2016 was the turning point – He was an active trader and after he passed on, as the executor of his will, I needed a way to handle his still open trades.

As I had zero financial knowledge back then, I had to spend a lot of time reading up investment- and trading-related books, spam my wife (who is a certified chartered accountant) with lots of questions to help speed up my understanding and make sense of a company’s financial report, and also studying the various companies’ share price movements to formulate my technical analysis strategy to help me keep my losses to a bare minimum, as well as generate maximum returns from my trades.

While doing all of the above is certainly not easy (especially when I just got started), but it was during this time that my interest in investing and trading grew, and hence, my eventual career switch to becoming a full-time investor and trader.

Fast forward to today, the reason why I started “The Singaporean Investor” was because I noticed that, while there were many sites on the Internet relating to investing and trading, many of them were not exactly “newbie friendly.” As such, I’ve decided to start this site to share everything I know about both investing and trading in a simple, easy-to-understand manner.

Aside from investing and trading advices, I will also be sharing my researches on Singapore-listed companies, along with possible opportunities to trade based on technical analysis of the companies’ share price movements.

I hope you’ll find the contents in this site useful. As this site is catered to help you with your investing and trading journey, if you have any content suggestions, improvements you’d like to see to improve your overall experience in your time here, or if you have any questions about investing or trading in general, please feel free to contact me via email here. Alternatively, you can also connect with me on investment forum InvestingNote here.

With that, I’d like to wish you the very best in your investment and trading journey. 🙂

Yours Sincerely,

Lim Jun Yuan - Owner of The Singaporean Investor

Jun Yuan